
the world of the subconscious is a terrorizing whore.

In the past week I have had dreams about:

A) having to stab people to keep myself alive, and the dream felt so unbelievably real, and upon waking I remembered the feeling of stabbing through a human breastplate so vividly that I thought I might puke,

B) eating sushi with Jeremy, but part of the process of eating the sushi involved having to hack the head off of a black cat... again, I woke up feeling sick because cutting the head off the cat felt so real,

C) being in the elevator in my building with a bunch of children, and having the elevator go crazy berserk and shoot up out of the roof, go flying just to crash and kill all of the children that were in the elevator (I survived).

Now I'm watching a show about zombies.
I'll probably dream about gum drops and unicorn kittens tonight, right?

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