
glamour in the hammer.

I attended the Hamilton Music Awards ceremony this past Sunday with my lovely friend Lasha. It was my first time, and I was honoured to attend. Kinda felt like I was showing a little representation for the bar I work at, who by the way, won Best Live Venue at the industry awards the day before. Go Team Hollywood!

Lasha's husband's band, The Vapids, won a long-overdue award for "Best Punk Recording," for their 45" "The Point Remains The Same." She went up and accepted the award for them, stating that "The Vapids couldn't be here tonight - they're on tour in Japan" (they weren't) and went on to thank herself and drummer Scotty's girlfriend Lisa for being "the best band wives." That girl is a hoot. Congrats to The Vapids, and also to Monster Truck, who took home the award for "Best Loud/Metal Recording," and who were also hilariously awkward onstage in their flannel and beards.

Anyway, I'd recap the highlights of the evening, but they include less awards show hob-nobbing and more post-awards beer and cigarettes at a friend's house. Not a late night - to a lot of us girls, the most long-awaited part of a fun evening out is just getting home and prying off those fucking heels.

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