
a whopping punch.


I am perched on my stool, filling out the day's paperwork, payroll and checking Outlook Express for the next price change on dildos and butt plugs. All I can think is, "damn, I wish I weren't so broke this week because not having my morning Starbucks or Diet Rock Star (aka a humongous dosage of caffeine) is going to kill me."

As my eyes are starting to drift and my headache worsens from caffeine withdrawal, these two fairy godmothers dressed in blue came into the store and pulled a can of Red Bull out from their backpack, just for me. Seriously. Two Red Bull promo girls saved my whole day. They didn't even try to sell me anything or use annoying promo tricks. They just chatted with me for a second and handed to me the gift of life. Now I am all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and feeling good.

Wicked. That was the best treat ever.

Yeah yeah, consumerism and all that... fuck you, I was exhausted, and you weren't at my store selling me a bag of speed, so...

And to top off my day, I've been listening to "Where is my mind?" by the Pixies on repeat. Customer dissatisfaction be damned, that song is absolutely fucking magical. One of those heart-fluttering, on-the-verge-of-tears-but-why?, can't-help-but-smile-like-a-schoolgirl-with-a-brand-new-crush songs.

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