

It's that time again, jerks...


nic cage and the bad seeds

self promo?

I did an interview with Cut From Steel (http://www.cutfromsteel.com) about my band's upcoming record release party, women in punk, and ghosts who play the bongos. Check it out! 


ben caplan/afrodisiac

A hairy gent by the name of Ben Caplan performed at TAH earlier tonight. Tom Waits meets the maritimes meets tourettes. Great turn-out for the show, after work I sat at the bar and did a quick little live sketch during one of his piano numbers.

Also doodled this sassy little number.


Bring your alibi!

"Whether you are planning an intimate gathering, a catered celebration, or planning to gamble your savings away and commit suicide in our bathrooms, the Rock Hard will help you hit Rock Bottom!"



drop der bass

Proof that dubstep causes suicides.
Also, why is Jordan Peele such a babe?


vom com!

Dear readers (all 12 of you),
Because I am a self-amused idiot with nothing better to do, apparently (and also I just can't let jokes die), I for some reason have a tumblr celebrating projectile vomit. So, if puke humour is your thing, lez b frenz, and let the riotous puke party begin!


in the court of the crimson cat.

random 8am mumblings.

the thing about waking up from lifelong ignorance is that once you see something, you can't unsee it. once you know, you can't not know. the injustice, the inherent harm of capitalism, the absolute corruption, the racism and inequality weaved into the fabric of our society by way of programmed fear, the greed, the hatred, the fucking inhumanity… once it all becomes apparent, and you look into the raging, black eye of the machine, you can never be blissfully ignorant ever again, and that's why so many of us choose to remain willfully unaware. "i don't follow politics. did you see last night's episode of Dexter?" because even though deep down, way in the bottom of our hearts we know the whole world is paying the price for our privilege, it is so much more convenient for us to keep living our lives the way we're used to, follow the yellow brick road, turn a blind eye, drink your espresso and eventually die without having to face ourselves, without having to make real use of our most precious virtue, and the only virtue common to our entire species  - our humanity